Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Monday, August 28, 2006
28/08/06 Lentil soup & ricotta tiramisu

A hearty soup was enjoyed by all, leaving very little room for the equally delicious tiramisu, and pears with blue cheese. Many thanks to Lauren for the soup recipe.
Babies, and more babies. All rejoiced at the birth of little lady Maika, and chatted with proud parents Enrique and Claire at the hospital. And the passing of the crown as it were to young Angela who let the bun out of the oven with her news of a little one on the way.
Luke, see, it is catching.
Also talk of our mispent youths, the tragics we all were in our flannies and bad makeup, the cheap thrills we all embarked on, and the fun burns you could give each other with a lighter.. and look how well we've all turned out.
Oh and Woody Allen. And Clerks. And is chasing Amy one of the worst movies ever made?
Attendees: Angela, Barney, Diane, Anthony, Sri, Steph, Sam and Mel.
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
21/08/06 - Pea and Fennel Soup

Monday's pea and fennel soup was inspired by Elena, and in honour of Anthony's return from Poland (peas are big in malta). It was passing of the baton as it were for our european travellers. Anthony on return farwelling Julie on her travels to Germany. There was talk of the 3-day vodka binge that was the wedding Anthony attended. And there was also speculation about whether Rodriguez (underground folk singer) committed suicide on stage, or simply disappeared off the scene only to emerge years later as a politician.
And the arrival of the soup virgins, whom immediately were welcome to the table, as we withdrew the mandatory detention to Betty's soup kitchen legislation last week.
Six days and counting til the arrival of Pako.. the tension rising like a pumpkin pie in the oven which was unanimously enjoyed, notwithstanding its colour (which was compared to that of 70s furniture).
Attendees: julie, anthony, claire, enrique, isabella, dianne, jo, steven, duncan, barney, steph, sri, monkey, and sam.
Monday, August 14, 2006
Sam's Peanut and Sweet Potato Soup 14/08/06

A suprising soup this week that was received well by all attending.. even calls of 'best ever' were made. And as smooth as the texture, a transient soup night glided with arrrivals and departures fueling general chit chat over the eve.
Like the leftover pre-birthday cake, the stories from Fiesta Del Pako left us all with a smile on our face.
Attendees: Dianne, Jo, Enrique's mum Isabella, Julie, Anthea, Luke, Sri, Steph, Sam, and Mel.
Monday, August 07, 2006
Dave's spicy tomato soup 07/08/06

michelangelo's david is a notoriously unimaginative cook, and a profound disappointment on the dancefloor. our david, on the other hand, is a whole other story. he once made a pasta dish with chicken and ice cream (no joke). his margin in the dancing department is narrower, but our man still has a distinct edge. he cooked at belvoir street on monday..
as mel recalls "i know there was some fine fashion indeed - pinafores, high waisted jeans, leopard skin and bleached hair were all on show. there was monday night outrage as to the general state of the world. dave told thetale of his 3am journey with his pot and his soup - he burnt the first version of his soup while brushing his teeth, made it again, and has since ex-communicated the cheap and nastypot from his kitchen. enrique gave us a sermon. the reading came from a book called the power of now. it urged us all to examine ourselves for lurking resentment of those around us, referring to this unspoken, unrecognised resentment as pollution. there was talk of handshakes, new jobs, salsa dance partners, ...
attendees: dianne, julie, dave, sri, josh, elena, claire, enrique, ralstan, floradelle, steph, sam and mel
and the menu included potato bread sticks and lemon delicious. yum"
the conversation turned spicy as well - a visit to hooters heated discussion with a disection of the female form from the cross section of attendees.
claire likes shoulders
sri likes boobs
julie likes hands
enrique's friend doesn't like big feet
baby dave likes "small, perky personalities"
and enrique can not believe someone would pay attention to legs while hooters were on show.