Tuesday, September 26, 2006

risi e bisi 25/09/06

there were too many conversations to keep track of, but there's an expression - either catalan or basque, i can't remember which - that seems fitting: "forca al canut!" it means "power to the cock!".

enrique took sam up on his offer of two bowls for anyone who comes naked, however because there were so many people to wish bon voyage to Sam and Mel on their Malaysian adventure, enrique only got one bowl anyway. cock and balls is the expression i think..

and congratulations to rich and eve, who announced their plans to wed. was quite a night..

attendees: luke, adam, baby-dave, tass, julie, enrique, claire, maika, rich, eva, michaela, dianne, steph, monkey, sam.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Mel's Ministrone 18/09/06

While Lukie was making friends and gaining inspiration in Singapore and Indonesia, we took advantage of his absence and whipped up a batch of previously forbidden soup. Maika was welcomed to her very first soup over a bowl of wheaty and dairy-topped minestrone. Steph provided dessert in the form of strawberries and truly delicious almond and honey yoghurt. Attendees: Sri, Steph, Anthony, Michaela, Claire, Enrique, Isabella, Maika, Sam, & Mel. I can't remember what we talked about.... by Mel

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Baby Dave goes deep..

ARMY SARGENT 1: i know we're about to die in this ambush, but geez if we ever make it out alive and someday i have a kid and he tries out for the school footy team and you're head coach - why it would mean the world if you chose him on the team!

(loud explosion nearby)

ARMY SARGENT 2: i just don't know thompson. i mean we've served for 2 years now. i trust you like a brother. you've saved my life once.

(bullet flies by and army sarge 1 blocks it with his steel helmet)

ARMY SARGENT 2:....twice! but i just think that would be too much.

ARMY SARGENT 1 (gasping): but remember that time we ate soup together at sammy's?


ARMY SARGENT 1: we're soupees o'neil! goddam it if not for the millitary bonds and years of friendship then f*cking jesus you better do it for the soup. it's the least a soupee would do for another soupee!

(several more explosions)

ARMY SARGENT 1(choking up): you're right. you're so right. i just remember that warm fresh tumeric soup and i think about samantha and the boys and i just want to live to get back there.

(close gun fire)

ARMY SARGENT 2: i hear ya soupee. i know what you're sayin so strong it hurts me under the ribs. now hand me that grenade.

ARMY SARGENT 1: i can't feel my fingers thompson.

ARMY SARGENT 2: it's okay o'neil. it's okay.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

and then there were 5

representation of luke's new hair. there've been some lean times for soup-night these past couple of weeks. a test of faith. last night saw another small, if high quality, crowd: anthony, luke, adam, monkey and sam.over chickpea and tomato soup, anthony told us about his new bike, luke about his imminent trip to singapore, adam about medical problems among the elderly, and monkey about the erosion of morality in the public health system. we made an impromptu tour of luke and adam's new pad (located about 40 metres from our back fence), and i gave luke a haircut. he looks dashing, even more so than before.
by sam.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

A misadventure in soup by Sam

i came home after work on monday to find that the lima bean soup i had lovingly prepared on sunday and left on the stovetop overnight had fermented.
so, i quickly banged together a mulligatawny.
after a spate of last-minute cancellations, ralston, jo, and brenna were the only ones to join monkey and myself.
we enjoyed an intimate night together, speaking of cupid's arrows and the acupuncturist's needles, the vagaries of human relationships, fair prices for 50s dress patterns, and spain's merits as a holiday destination.
sadly, the evening was not documented, photographically speaking.