Thursday, July 27, 2006

matt maquarie's divine orange soup - 24/07/06

\went something a little like this:
the eleven apostles - claire, enrique, luke, dianne, boris, julie, richard, eva, sri, monkey and sam feasted, as though it were their last, on a soup made orange in colour, but there were no oranges in it. there were, however, grapefruits in it - as well as lentils, carrots, and orange sweet potato. enrique made it, having swiped the recipe from claire. our first guest chef. it was very thick and a little spicy. oh, and sam burned an apple tart for dessert and people made polite remarks like, "oh, no, i like my apple tarts...ahh.... well-done".

the standout conversation.. is there a god?

enrique & sam: god is (although we define 'god' in a mystical sense, akin to buddhist annihilation).
julie: god may be, how could one know ?
sri: no god. people invoke the concept as a psychological manouevre to cope with existential anxiety.
claire: something is, but words are inadequate to describe it.
mel: (how strange - i don't know the thoughts of my own concubine on god, even after monday night. perhaps it's because she's divine, and needn't utter pedestrian opinions?).
luke: don't talk to me of god. i'm too wretched.

bloggers opinion: that whole god working in mysterious ways whenever something doesn't go to plan thing really is a bit clutching at straws..


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