Monday, July 31, 2006

31/07/06 chickpea and tumeric soup

Fortunes were revealed and destiny discussed over a bowl of chickpea and tumeric soup with Sam, Mel, Sri, Claire, Luke, Julie, Dave and Stef. To belittle is to be little, and we should be affectionaite to those around us. But is this our destiny? Is it pre-determined, or does it change with each decision one makes?
Oh and lots of talk of babies as one would expect with an expectant mother in the room. Is it sex, spicy food, or three men and a baby that brings on labour - or a combination of the three (?!).


Blogger Kuba said...

at once, this blog rules, informs and makes tear-struck those of us who cannot attend monday night soup at S&M's place for geo-political reasons. love to all,
kuba campbell (of canned soup fame).

12:41 AM  

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