28/08/06 Lentil soup & ricotta tiramisu

A hearty soup was enjoyed by all, leaving very little room for the equally delicious tiramisu, and pears with blue cheese. Many thanks to Lauren for the soup recipe.
Babies, and more babies. All rejoiced at the birth of little lady Maika, and chatted with proud parents Enrique and Claire at the hospital. And the passing of the crown as it were to young Angela who let the bun out of the oven with her news of a little one on the way.
Luke, see, it is catching.
Also talk of our mispent youths, the tragics we all were in our flannies and bad makeup, the cheap thrills we all embarked on, and the fun burns you could give each other with a lighter.. and look how well we've all turned out.
Oh and Woody Allen. And Clerks. And is chasing Amy one of the worst movies ever made?
Attendees: Angela, Barney, Diane, Anthony, Sri, Steph, Sam and Mel.
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